A selected playing card is torn into four pieces. Then with one piece at a time and the hands being shown cleanly at every phase the card repairs itself.The card is then handed out for examination. 
with this self contained gimmick you will be able to perform a visual four piece torn and restored card with ease.The gimmick can even be personalized to match any deck. 
You will be taught the 360 version allowing you to show the card back and front in most of the phases.
Filmed in HD with in depth teaching including extra tips, ideas's & how to perform the effect with a signed card. 
Comes complete with dvd & link for online video and a hand crafted gimmick
Running Time
Approximate: 38mins

Comes in limited edition Blue Foil Sleeve

£15 + £2 P&P on U.K shipping

Please allow 24hrs for dispatch 


Worthy by Chris Webb 

This DVD contains 3 POWER HOUSE EFFECTS from creator and performers Chris Webb. 
All 3 tricks are worthy of a single release in their own right. 
You will learn how to vanish a mobile phone, perform the most visual bill change & cause a spectators signature to appear or vanish on their signed playing card. Comes complete with all you will need to perform ALL 3 effects and detailed teaching.

Come complete with Instructional DVD and Gimmick pack.

£15 + £2 for U.K shipping

(Please allow 24 Hours for dispatch)